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Water Pollution And Its Consequences

Water Pollution


Water contamination is one of the most significant issues that we face in the modern day. Whether it be rivers, seas, oceans, lakes, or reservoirs, water is a vital resource. If we are unable to put an end to this situation, the continued existence of our species as well as every other living thing on the globe is in grave danger.


It is of the utmost need to take proper care of this priceless resource because it is indispensable to all forms of life, including that of humans, animals, and plants.


The following are the primary contributors to this degradation:


Chemical Waste products

Waste products from industry are one of the most significant contributors to environmental contamination.

Temperature increases

It may not appear that way, but increasing temperatures (as a result of global warming) also induce an increase in water pollution.

Extensive Use of Pesticides

Agriculture makes extensive use of a wide variety of pesticides, as well as fertilizers and other chemicals, in virtually every step of the production process. They eventually make their way into the water supply after coming into contact with the soil.


Deforestation is the process through which large-scale logging dries up rivers, lakes, and other sources of water.

Spilling Oil

Spilling oil is a common and dangerous activity that poses a significant threat to human health.

To eliminate the contamination of the water:

We can all do our part to stop the contamination of water.

  • Consume responsibly and buy products that are free of poisonous substances and chemicals that are bad for the environment.
  • Make sure to recycle appropriately

If we do not place the waste in the appropriate container, it will find its way into the water and contaminate the environment.

  • Make sure that the garments you are wearing were not produced using any methods that contributed to the pollution of the environment.

Another option you can go for is to make water from the air.

Why let water make you sick if you don’t have to? Stop using water that can cause health hazards to you and take control of your water source.

It is possible to make your water.

You did hear correctly. You can make your water using our Atmospheric Water Generator PVT. LTD.

How it works

The machine pulls in humid air and filters it out through one side. Humidity between the spaces causes condensation, which turns into liquid water. The step-by-step instructions are on the right.

Air Filtration

Dust and small particles don’t get into the machine because the air that goes in is purified.


The air then goes through a coil or cylinder called a condenser, where the water vapor in the air turns back into a liquid.

How Water Forms

The water that is made is not dirty and does not contain pollutants.


Before the final collection, more steps can be taken to clean the water and add nutrients.

Benefits and features


AWG makes clean installations quickly, and there are 37,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of fresh water in the air at any given time. A lot of metals are there. Compared to other names in the market.


Even though 70% of the water goes somewhere else, none of it is lost.


AWG is hard to beat when it comes to running costs and maintenance.

PURE DRINKING WATER: AWG makes water that can be used for drinking that is free of all poisons, pathogens, and other contaminants.


Atmospheric Water Generator PVT. LTD is a highly suggested way to make sure that drinking water is clean and safe. Its user-friendly design makes it easy to set up and keep up, so it can be used in both homes and small groups.


Consider adding Atmospheric Water Generator PVT. LTD. to your daily routine to protect yourself and your family from the effects of drinking contaminated water. Let’s all work together to make sure clean water is available in our towns.




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